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Couverture de Six Lives

Six Lives

De : Lavie Tidhar
Lu par : Flora Montgomery, Justin Avoth, Kishore Walker, Lara Sawalha, Rory Alexander, Sara Alexander
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    Six lives, connected through blood and history, each rooted in the dirt of their inheritance, look to the future, and what it might hold.

    In 1855, Edward Feebes travels to the guano islands of South America, to investigate an irregularity in the accounts of the House of Feebes & Co.

    In 1912, post-mortem photographer and reluctant blackmailer Annie Connolly plots her escape from Ireland to America on board the Titanic.

    In 1933, idealistic Edgar Waverley faces a choice of the heart when he becomes embroiled in a country house murder.

    In 1964, hapless KGB agent Vasily Sokolov makes his career conjuring valuable information from worthless detritus.

    In 1987, actor Mariam Khouri looks back at 'Black Dirt’, the movie that lifted her from the streets of Cairo.

    In 2012, Isabelle Feebes attempts to break with her poisonous heritage once and for all. Can she forge a new life for herself in the New World? Can you ever truly escape your past?

    ©2024 Lavie Tidhar (P)2024 Head of Zeus

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