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Couverture de Sir Snorful and the Creaky Wheel

Sir Snorful and the Creaky Wheel

De : Robert Marcus Orallo III
Lu par : Robert Marcus Orallo III
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    I’m a US military veteran, and as such, have been called to deploy in service of my country. My seven-year-old little girl had just started first grade when I was deployed to Southeast Asia. About two weeks prior to leaving, I took her to an arcade place, where I found a stuffed pig inside one of those claw games. She had tried and tried to get it to no avail when she finally asked me to try. On the first try, I got the stuffed pig and felt like such a superhero. She decided to call the stuffed pig Snorful. 

    Every night before bed, we had a routine where I’d cuddle with her before she fell asleep and she’d ask me to tell her stories. Normally, I just created random fantasy stories from whatever came to mind, but this time, she asked me to tell a story about Snorful. This is where Sir Snorful, the Knight of Hamelot, was invented. Every night after that, she begged for a Sir Snorful story, so I created more elaborate stories for her. 

    In this story, flaming arrows are no match for our hero, Sir Snorful, but this time, he must solve a new problem with some unusual friends to help him on his journey. This fantasy picture book has action and adventure, but also teaches children great morals like service, helping others in need, and treating people with kindness. Please enjoy!

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Robert Marcus Orallo III (P)2021 Robert Marcus Orallo III

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