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Couverture de Simply a Journey

Simply a Journey

De : Nina Watare Kamwene
Lu par : Nina Watare Kamwene
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    "Simply A Journey" is an inspiring memoir that chronicles the remarkable odyssey of a young girl from Africa to America. With unyielding courage and relentless determination, she embarked on a voyage of a thousand miles, one step at a time, forging a path towards her dreams.

    At the tender age of eleven, she made a resolute decision to escape her circumstances and journey to a distant land, even though the path ahead was uncertain. The book emphasizes the power of intention, urging listeners to consciously declare their aspirations as the initial step towards manifestation.

    Throughout the journey, she excelled academically, sought guidance from mentors, and learned that rejection can often be a form of divine protection. Her pursuit of a brighter future led her to accept an American scholarship when a British one fell through, ultimately finding herself in the Golden State.

    "Simply A Journey" reflects on the lessons life offers, encouraging a shift from victimhood to victory. It highlights the unity of the human species and advocates for authenticity, self-discovery, and resilience. Drawing from Winston Churchill's wisdom, the book emphasizes never giving up, especially on oneself.

    This memoir is a testament to the transformative power of following one's heart, practicing self-acceptance, and expressing gratitude. Grab your copy today!

    ©2020 Nina Watare Kamwene (P)2024 Nina Watare Kamwene

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