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  • Simply Sustainable

  • Moving Toward Plastic-Free, Low-Waste Living
  • De : Lily Cameron
  • Lu par : Gabra Zackman
  • Durée : 4 h et 7 min

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Simply Sustainable

De : Lily Cameron
Lu par : Gabra Zackman
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    Break your plastic habit with simple, actionable steps and jump-start your journey toward a minimal, beautiful, low-waste home.

    Simply Sustainable guides you through the why and how of zero-waste, while emphasizing the importance of finding the sweet spot between sustainability and self-care.” (Julia Watkins, author of Simply Living Well)

    Transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle means eliminating unnecessary clutter from your home and reducing your dependence on disposable goods, but it also comes with practical challenges that can seem daunting. In Simply Sustainable, perfection is not required. Whether you are looking for easy changes to get you started, or more advanced, high-impact tips for your low-waste home, these simple, effective steps will forever change your relationship to disposable plastic products.

    Lily Cameron shows listeners how to gradually transition away from plastic and curate a minimal, beautiful home in the process. Her approach teaches you how to "make plastic-free living work for you, savor your progress and celebrate that with each small change, you are making a positive impact on the environment, your health and your family's well being".

    Simply Sustainable proves that zero-waste living can be easy and deeply satisfying, whether shopping at the farmers market, throwing a dinner party, or packing for a getaway weekend. With practical, manageable strategies organized by room, and inspiring photographs of plastic-free homes, you can begin your journey toward intentional, low-waste living.

    ©2021 Lily Cameron (P)2021 Random House Audio


    Simply Sustainable guides you through the why and how of zero-waste, while emphasizing the importance of finding the sweet spot between sustainability and self-care. Lily acknowledges the pitfalls of striving for perfection and instead offers encouraging tips for creating a plastic-free outlook that is every bit as sustainable for people as it is for the planet. Whether you’re just getting started or an old hat, there’s a bit of something for everyone, but newbies in particular will walk away feeling encouraged, excited, and prepared to embark on a low-waste lifestyle. The tone is refreshing and the photos and design are simple, minimal, and beautiful.” (Julia Watkins, author of Simply Living Well)

    “If you’re looking for fresh, practical tips on how to live a more sustainable life, look no further. Lily Cameron’s Simply Sustainable is a beautiful and thoughtfully curated handbook filled with bite-size tips, hacks, and resources to help you achieve a low-waste, plastic-free way of life without sacrificing on style.”(Shira Gill, home organizing expert and author)

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