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  • Simple Secrets to Becoming a Saving Whiz

  • Stop Feeling Overwhelmed, Take Control of Your Money, and Create the Lifestyle You Want
  • De : Gina Zakaria
  • Lu par : Gina Zakaria
  • Durée : 4 h et 22 min

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Simple Secrets to Becoming a Saving Whiz

De : Gina Zakaria
Lu par : Gina Zakaria
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    In Simple Secrets to Becoming a Saving Whiz, veteran financial educator Gina Zakaria delivers a compelling discussion of leveraging simplicity to approach personal finance. You'll learn to create momentum and foster financial empowerment as you reach successive, intentional milestones that build your sense of progress and accomplishment.

    The author shares her own personal debt story and how she accumulated over $105,000 in credit card debt through tiny, seemingly insignificant, actions. She also demonstrates how equally small steps can help you climb your way out of debt and into a place of financial security. You'll also find:

    - Strategies for breaking down your goals into subgoals

    - Grocery budgeting tips, along with effective routines for saving money with food and meal prep

    - Methods for understanding the basics of bills, bill saving strategies, and debt savings using the author's popular "3A Method"

    An essential and effective resource for anyone interested in improving their financial outlook, Simple Secrets to Becoming a Saving Whiz is perfect for everyone who hopes to save more money, budget better, and make real changes to their personal financial habits.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2024 Tantor

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