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Simple Scripts for Problems at Work

De : Pryor Learning Solutions
Lu par : Michelle Milldyke
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    Have you ever walked away from a conversation in the workplace that left you thinking, "If only I had said this" or "I wish I hadn't said that"? When faced with confronting an upset customer, irate boss, or irrational coworker, are you confident that you have the right words to say - and can communicate your message effectively?

    Effective communication is crucial to the success of any organization. However, communication problems are a leading cause of confusion, stress, frustration, and lack of productivity in the workplace. As you find yourself having critical conversations at work, it's all too easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and say the wrong thing, send the wrong message - or worse.

    With the tips and techniques taught in this power-packed audiobook, you'll learn to respond to the most difficult situations with dignity, diplomacy, and poise. Even when you're put on the spot, you'll learn to use these simple scripts (and create your own!) to work through a variety of tough situations and get your point across, guilt-free. Plus, you'll learn about the importance of the inflection, tone, and timing - because how you say it is just as important as what you say.

    ©2006 CareerTrack Publications (P)2019 Gildan Media

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