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Couverture de Simon: Superhero in Training

Simon: Superhero in Training

De : Lucas W. Mayberry
Lu par : Steve Field
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    He's back. He's bitter. And he's better than before. Helped by the enigmatic Arthur, Simon has escaped torture, but the Green Hood's underlings are hot on his heels. He believes they are safe for now—or so they thought.

    Regrouping on a secluded Scottish island with his wife and friend, Simon and the others train for a fight they know will be bigger than they've ever faced.

    Still confused by his new superhero abilities, Simon tests his wits and strength to uncover the full extent of his heroic powers.

    When he discovers the true identity of the Green Hood, the ensuing chaos drags them back into the fray.

    Cue the intense, epic battle between Simon and the Green Hood.

    In this powerful follow-up to Simon: Not Your Average Superhero, Lucas W Mayberry delivers once again the valiant superhero origin story.

    ©2022 Lucas W Mayberry (P)2023 Lucas W Mayberry

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