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Couverture de Silent Sister

Silent Sister

De : Megan Davidhizar
Lu par : Karissa Vacker
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    The must-listen suspense novel of the summer about a mysterious girl's disappearance, her biggest betrayal and a deadly truth screaming to come out.

    Two sisters went missing on their class trip—Grace, the outgoing athlete who is friends with just about everyone, and Maddy, the wallflower wilting in her sister’s shadow who'd rather absorb herself in her journal than talk to her classmates.

    But when Grace is found—injured, with no memory of what happened—everybody thinks she’s lying. It’s hard not to look guilty with Maddy’s blood on her clothes.

    Desperate to save her sister—and prove her own innocence—Grace must piece together what happened on that school trip with the help of her sister’s notebook and classmates who may not be telling the police everything that about that tragic night.

    She will discover her sister’s secrets can’t stay quiet…but what if her own are the most terrifying of all?

    * This audiobook edition includes a downloadable PDF of the Educators’ Guide from the printed book.

    ©2024 Megan Davidhizar (P)2024 Listening Library


    “Twisted and suspenseful.”—April Henry, New York Times bestselling author of Girl, Stolen and Stay Dead

    "An emotional, thrilling ride."—Liz Lawson, New York Times bestselling author of The Agathas

    “Only in the final pages will it let you up for air. Superb!"—Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, author of Friends Like These

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