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  • Signs from the Other Side

  • Opening to the Spirit World
  • De : Bill Philipps
  • Lu par : Bob Souer
  • Durée : 3 h et 35 min

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Signs from the Other Side

De : Bill Philipps
Lu par : Bob Souer
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    Who hasn't wished they could ask a departed loved one for advice, or heal an unresolved rift, or even just ask where they hid their grandmother's strand of pearls?

    While mediums sometimes resist the flow of communications they receive from the "other side", the best of them - like Bill Philipps - know what solace such messages can provide. The truly gifted also know that their gifts are not unique, that they can be cultivated by anyone with a sincere and open heart. Philipps illuminates all of this for listeners by demystifying what he does, sharing more than 20 inspiring stories of people receiving signs, and, most wonderfully, by providing step-by-step guidance that allows listeners to receive afterlife communications themselves.

    Techniques are provided for listening to intuition and asking questions. Ways of using prayer, meditation, and affirmations are outlined. Most importantly, the nature of signs - which may come in unexpected ways - is explored so listeners can feel, see, and hear them; judge their veracity; and experience the comfort and peace they provide.

    ©2019 Bill Philipps (P)2019 HighBridge Company

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