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  • Significance of Hypnosis and Self Awareness

  • Learn to Influence People and Find Your Inner Self
  • De : Josh Mark
  • Lu par : Jack Powell
  • Durée : 13 h et 35 min

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Significance of Hypnosis and Self Awareness

De : Josh Mark
Lu par : Jack Powell
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    Want to influence people? Want others to follow you? Looking for a deep insight into the journey of self-awareness?

    Then this guide is the right thing to listen to.

    Self-awareness is a mystical building that has been the hot topic of debate for many philosophers and psychologists throughout history and equally sacred to the spirituality cults. One of the effective man's need for modern day is to be more self-conscious. So what is self-consciousness? Is it as straightforward as you know yourself? Or is it something greater than that? Plunge into the audiobook and learn about the complexities of special relationships between self-consciousness, self-esteem, emotional intelligence, and leadership.

    Hypnosis is trance, used to calm the subject, and it allows the counselor to evaluate the problem. Such counselling has played an important role in literature. It has common applications, so there are many different types. Clinical hypnosis or more accurately saying hypnotherapy is known to be one of the best treatments for patients with different diseases.

    In this audiobook, you will explore:

    • The concept of self-awareness
    • Self-awareness through the binoculars of philosophy, psychology, and spirituality
    • Role of self-awareness in improving self-esteem
    • How to be an effective and self-aware leader
    • The importance of self-awareness in various aspects of life
    • How to hypnotize with the use of ABS formula? (i.e., absorption of focus, bypassing the critical factor, and stimulating the unconsciousness)
    • How to influence minds in hypnosis?
    • What are the techniques of hypnotic influence and reasoning?
    • What is covert/remote hypnosis?
    • What is the connection between telepathic influence and remote hypnosis?

    You will get knowledge about hypnosis and how to become a self-aware person to influence people around you.

    So don’t wait and get your copy now.

    Public Domain (P)2020 Josh Mark

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