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Couverture de Sidewalk High

Sidewalk High

De : M.O. LeClair
Lu par : Pamela Flanigan
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    In 'Sidewalk High,' Jasper Lane, a.k.a. 'Lane,' takes us on a gritty journey through the harsh realities of life in 'Shady Acres, Ontario.' This tells his story, as well as those stories of his close circle of friends, (and some enemies, too!)—who struggle to survive and thrive in this gutter of a city, that offers them little to no hope, and definitely no mercy. They face violence, addiction, betrayal, hate, and loss—but they also find love, loyalty, lessons, courage, and purpose.

    'Sidewalk High' is a raw and powerful depiction of what many of us must face, every day. Whether on the streets, or not.

    "What's normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly." ~Morticia Addams

    It's preposterous what someone can get used to in this world—and it's even more wicked what some are forced to get used to. With this in mind, 'Sidewalk High' captures the voice, realness, rawness, and spirit, of its characters, their lives, problems, solutions, and their environments. 'Lane,' as he's mostly known throughout the book, does not shy away from showing the deep, seedy, dark side of the streets—but he also reveals the humanity, love, and the beauty, that can also reside there, too.

    The lessons that are learned on the 'Sidewalk of Life,' are not usually ones that are so easily forgotten, and they'll stay with you long after you finish the 'class.' At least the ones that are worth learning will, anyway. Good luck figuring out which is which, though. Most lessons in life, they're not learned in a classroom. No. Most lessons, you see, they're learned on these 'streets.' The book is a portrayal of our everyday struggles, and it's encapsulated by the thought what seems normal for one, seems pretty messed up for another. "Lane" does not hold back the bad, but he also doesn't forget to highlight all of the good, which is so often missed in everyday life. There can be peace found, amidst all of the chaos, if one only looks.

    ©2024 Mary Odile LeClair (P)2024 Mary Odile LeClair

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