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Couverture de Side Chick Nation

Side Chick Nation

De : Aya de Leon
Lu par : Aya de Leon
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    She's beautiful, unpredictable - and on the run from dangerous men. But this ex-side chick is ready to risk everything to help others in trouble....

    Fed up with her married Miami boyfriend, savvy Dulce has no problem stealing his drug-dealer stash and fleeing to the Caribbean. Between her special skills - and an eye for very rich and/or very smokin' men - Dulce stays a hustle ahead of trouble and makes her new life one endless party in Puerto Rico. Until she's caught in Hurricane Maria - and witnesses both the heartbreaking disaster of climate change, and the international vultures who plunder the tragedy for a financial killing, making shady use of relief funds to devastate the island even more....

    New York-based mastermind thief Marisol already has her hands full fleecing a ruthless CEO who's stealing her family's land in Puerto Rico, while trying to get her relatives out alive. An extra crew member could be game-changing, but she's wary of Dulce's unpredictability and reputation for drama. Still, Dulce's determination to get justice draws Marisol in, along with her formidable Lower East Side Women's Health Clinic's heist squad. But their on-the-fly race-against-the-clock plan is soon complicated by a sexy crusading journalist - not to mention powerful men who turn deadly when ex-side chicks step out of the shadows and demand to call the shots....

    ©2019 Aya de Leon (P)2019 Recorded Books

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