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Couverture de Sick of It

Sick of It

De : Sophie Harman
Lu par : Sofia Engstrand
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    A powerful call to confront the reasons why politics is jeopardising women's health across the world, by a prize-winning academic

    'A powerful and inspiring must-read' Elinor Cleghorn, author of Unwell Women

    'Radical and thought-provoking, this book should drive us all to action - and the author tells us how' Gina Rippon, author of The Gendered Brain

    We know the causes of disease and death among women all over the world. We have the funding from governments and philanthropists to tackle them. So why are women still dying when they don't have to?

    Across the globe, women's health is being caught in the crossfire of politics: from the repeal of abortion rights and the bombing of Ukrainian maternity hospitals, to lesser-known issues like healthwashing and the exploitation of vulnerable patients as well as women health workers.

    Exploring urgent questions including populism, big data and the undervaluing of women's work, Sick of It also offers smart solutions on how to fix this crisis through activism and political work.

    'A very powerful read' Lucy Easthope, author of When The Dust Settles

    'Illuminating, accessible and important' Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan, author of Unheard: The Medical Practice of Silencing

    'Sophie Harman has gathered both the disturbing and heartbreaking facts and the vital possibilities open to all of us for action and engagement' Stella Duffy, OBE
    ©2024 Sophie Harman (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK

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