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  • Show Up as Her

  • Ten Laws for Reclaiming Your Power, Embodying Magnetic Energy, and Positive Manifestation
  • De : CiiCii
  • Lu par : Natasha Soudek
  • Durée : 7 h et 54 min

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Couverture de Show Up as Her

Show Up as Her

De : CiiCii
Lu par : Natasha Soudek
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    Radical Self-Love, Self-Realization, and Growth

    Confidence culture—made easy. With intros to habit tracking, journaling, and affirmations, CiiCii's transformative book gives you all the self-love rituals and mantras you need to glow up and be that girl. This must-have guide empowers unshakable self-esteem by creating positive habits and thoughts.

    A self-confidence book for women. Is it time to shake up your life? Sick of feeling unfulfilled? Looking at "it" girls and wondering how? CiiCii's empowering book is all about healing negative patterns through radical self-realization, self-love, and growth-all with that positive energy that only a big sister can bring.

    A self-love bible by the big sister you wish you had. Business owner, life coach, and host of the transformative podcast That Bitch is Positive CiiCii brings the energy and experience you need for true self-realization and transformation. Inside:

    - Find out who you are vs. who you think you are for real self-love and growth to begin

    - Unearth concrete, buildable steps to take back your power and build your dream life

    - Learn skills like journaling, positive affirmations, and manifestation for beginners

    ©2023 CiiCii (P)2024 Tantor

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