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Couverture de Shorts


De : Caimh McDonnell
Lu par : Morgan C Jones
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    Gathered together for the first time and featuring two brand new stories, this collection contains all of the short stories and novellas featuring Bunny McGarry, star of the million-selling Dublin Trilogy. Spanning his entire career in law enforcement and beyond, these stories give a whole new perspective on Ireland’s most truly unconventional police officer as he juggles being a force for justice and managing the world’s worst under-12s hurling team.

    The new stories, The Many Deaths of Timmy Branch and Meanwhile in Dublin chart the journey from his first New Year’s Eve on the job doing the crappiest gig imaginable, to the present day, where someone is trying to dig up some rather sensitive information about him.

    Dive in to find out why The Irish Post said these are ‘brilliant comedic thrillers', The Strand Magazine considers them to be ‘A modern great of crime comedy’ and why the Wall Street Journal described them as ‘poignant, suspenseful and gut-bustingly funny’.

    Bunny McGarry Shorts contains:

    The Many Deaths of Timmy Branch (Short Story): It’s New Year’s Eve and Probationer Garda Bunny McGarry has been tasked with guarding evidence as retribution for doing his job properly. When a call is received, it’s down to Bunny to leap into (and onto) action.

    Meanwhile in Dublin (Novella): Brigit is having quite the day. She’s organised to take her dad’s bride-to-be wedding dress shopping and has assembled a motley crew to join her. Paul isn’t faring much better as he agreed to play golf with Brigit’s dad and highly irritating brothers despite having never picked up a golf club in his life. When news of a strange deed reaches them, their day takes a turn from bad to worse.

    Dog Day Afternoon (Short Story)
    How to Send a Message (Short Story)
    Escape from Victory (Novella)
    Bloody Christmas (Novella)
    Good Deeds and Bad Intentions (Novella)

    Please note: Most of the short stories included in this collection were previously available in How to Send A Message.

    ©2024 McFori Ink (P)2024 McFori Ink

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