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  • Short Cuts to Happiness

  • How I found the meaning of life from a barber's chair
  • De : Tal Ben-Shahar
  • Lu par : Neil Shah
  • Durée : 2 h

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Short Cuts to Happiness

De : Tal Ben-Shahar
Lu par : Neil Shah
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    From the New York Times best-selling psychologist who taught us how to be happier, an intimate keepsake collection of wisdoms he learned from a most unlikely source.

    Even a New York Times best-selling happiness expert can need advice!

    In his trailblazing Harvard courses, internationally best-selling books, and lectures and videos, positive psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar has shared his essential, scientifically backed tools for finding fulfillment the world over. But even the happiness expert needs a boost from time to time!

    Tal found his not in a guru or fellow psychologist but rather in his longtime neighbourhood barber, Avi - a man with a gift for making his clients look and feel great, with wisdom beyond his years.

    Tal's visits to Avi soon grew into a friendship deeper than most. Between snips, the two men talked about everything from family and starting a business to the meaning of life and the power of music. Two years of their revelatory barbershop talk have been distilled into these gems of inspiration - perfect to give, receive, and share, even between haircuts.

    ©2018 Tal Ben-Shahar (P)2018 Tantor Audio


    "A charming read to remind you that wisdom about happiness is often right around the corner." (Adam Grant, New York Times best-selling author of Give and Take and Originals, and coauthor of Option B with Sheryl Sandberg)

    "When a happiness expert like Ben-Shahar turns to someone else for advice, you know the advice has got to be good. Short Cuts to Happiness offers accessible, universal wisdom that puts a life of meaning and fulfilment within reach and sets a very high bar for my next trip to the barber!" (Colin Beavan, author of No Impact Man and How to Be Alive)

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