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Shifting the Balance

De : Jan Miller Burkins, Kari Yates
Lu par : Kim Handysides
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    The current emphasis on the body of research known as the Science of Reading has renewed the reading wars and raised challenging questions for balanced literacy teachers about the best way to teach reading. Instead of fueling the debate, Dr. Jan Burkins and Kari Yates have immersed themselves in the research and produced Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom.

    This concise and practical guide integrates effective reading strategies from each perspective. Every chapter of Shifting the Balance focuses on one of the six simple and scientifically sound shifts reading teachers can make to strengthen their approach to early reading instruction in these areas:

    • Reading Comprehension
    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Phonics
    • High-Frequency Words
    • Cueing Systems
    • Text Selection

    The book has already helped countless educators by taking the guesswork out of how to blend best practices with the latest research while keeping students at the forefront of reading instruction. Now, a brand new audio edition makes Burkins and Yates' work more accessible. We've written this book to support you in making sound decisions anchored in the best of science, the truth of responsiveness, and a relentless focus on providing all children learning experiences saturated with meaning, the authors write.

    This audio edition is expertly narrated by Kim Handysides.

    ©2021 Jan Miller Burkins, Kari Yates. Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Jan Miller Burkins (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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