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  • She's Meant to Lead

  • Challenge What It Means to Be a Leader - Discover 14 Leadership Styles and Techniques to Create an Empowering Work Environment
  • De : Kyrabe Stories, Kyndall Bennett
  • Lu par : Sasha Monegro
  • Durée : 3 h et 9 min

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She's Meant to Lead

De : Kyrabe Stories, Kyndall Bennett
Lu par : Sasha Monegro
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    Despite the progress we have made, women are still faced with discrimination and bias in the workplace every day. The only way to prove our capabilities is to be great leaders!

    Women have more challenges when it comes to leadership roles with gender bias being one of the biggest hurdles.

    Women are either seen as dainty, proper ladies who are too quiet to lead or as the other extreme: bossy, aggressive, and unladylike.

    Consequently, while women have the skills and qualifications to lead, it’s still the men who are more likely to be offered opportunities.

    Now, we can talk for days about the glass ceiling and how unfair the gender gap is without really achieving anything or we can do something about it.

    This audiobook will give you the tools and skills you need to excel as a leader and show others how effective women can be. Here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

    • Exactly why the world needs more female leaders and what is holding women back
    • Fourteen leadership styles and how to discover the best one that fits your personality
    • The real reasons why women fear leadership and four ways to calm the anxiety
    • How to overcome imposter syndrome and break the cycle of self-doubt
    • Seven hard skills that you can gain today to demonstrate your leadership qualifications
    • Ten steps to boost communication and three bonus steps for getting your point across
    • How you can increase your income through emotional intelligence
    • The benefits of diversity for all companies—and it’s not just about women!
    • How to create a workplace culture with a growth mindset and eliminate the toxic environment
    • How to manage stress when your responsibilities overwhelm you
    • Twenty-five inspiring ideas to practice self-care and ensure work/life balance

    And much more. Start listening today.

    ©2022 Kyndall Bennett (P)2023 Kyndall Bennett

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