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Couverture de She Doesn't Have a Clue

She Doesn't Have a Clue

De : Jenny Elder Moke
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    With a colorful cast of characters and a cellar full of wine, anything can happenfrom murder to a second chance at lovein Jenny Elder Moke's half mystery, half romance adult debut set at a lavish destination wedding.

    A high-end wedding on a private island off the coast of Seattle sounds like something out of a magazine. But for bestselling mystery author Kate Valentine, it’s more like a nightmare.

    Why Kate agreed to attend her ex-fiancé’s wedding is its own enigma, but she’ll plaster on a fake smile for two nights, with the aid of free champagne, naturally. And because the groom happens to be her editor, she’ll try to finish a draft of her latest Loretta Starling mystery as a wedding gift. But when the bride is poisoned and Kate stumbles across a dead body, she finds herself in a real-life mystery that eerily echoes the plot of her latest novel. And the only person who seems willing to help Kate catch the killer is Jake Hawkins, aka: the Hostralian; aka: Kate’s biggest romantic regret.

    As the wine flows and the weather threatens to hold every guest hostage, bitter resentments and long-held grudges surface amongst the colorful crowd. Anyone could be capable of murder, it seems. What would Loretta do? Unfortunately, Kate doesn’t have a clue.

    ©2025 Jenny Elder Moke (P)2025 Macmillan Audio


    "How could I not love a book that’s equal parts closed circle mystery and second chance romance? Throw in all the dirt and dysfunction that makes weddings so wild, a relatable hot mess protagonist, and a sexy Australian partner-in-crime solving, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a page-turning read. I had so much fun with this!" —Mia P. Manansala, author of the multi-award-winning Arsenic and Adobo

    "A delightful blend of rom-com, whodunit, and second chances. Jenny Elder Moke’s, She Doesn’t Have a Clue, is witty, charming, and its many twists and turns will keep you hooked until the end." —Michelle Hoffman, author of The Second Ending

    "Mystery and rom-com have a meet cute to die for in She Doesn't Have a Clue, Jenny Elder Moke’s sparkling adult debut. With playful nods to golden age detective stories (the crumbling mansion! On a remote island! Filled with dysfunctional rich people! On a dark and stormy night!) it’s a little bit Glass Onion, with the madcap energy of Clue. Mystery novelist-turned-amateur sleuth Kate Valentine is a closer cousin to Stephanie Plum than Jessica Fletcher, a kooky disaster magnet who won’t give up until she uncovers the truth—about her past relationships and murder. Add in a smoldering second-chance romance, killer banter, and red herrings galore, and readers who like their whodunits with a side of will-they-or-won’t-they are in for a treat." —Amanda Sellet, author of Hate to Fake It to You

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