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  • Shattered

  • How Everything Came Together When It All Fell Apart
  • De : Lisa Vallejos
  • Lu par : Joan Dukore
  • Durée : 4 h et 32 min

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De : Lisa Vallejos
Lu par : Joan Dukore
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    Shattered, How Everything Comes Together When It All Falls Apart chronicles the transformational journey of one mother, psychologist, and researcher who found the courage to truly live while grappling with the diagnosis of her child with a life-limiting congenital heart defect.

    Written as a memoir (with the backing of a lot of solid research), this book offers an intimate journey of a parent facing the unthinkable - the possibility of outliving their child. Author Lisa Vallejos takes the listener along the journey as she experienced it first-hand. Ranging from despair to triumph, this book shows how facing death can truly be an invitation to live. Using both anecdotal experiences and established psychological research, Vallejos makes a case for trauma as a tool of transformation.

    This heart-wrenching and passionate portrayal of the potent human spirit to overcome incredible odds and to achieve triumph, no matter the circumstances, is a beacon to anyone who has suffered, felt lost, or has been buckled under the weight of an irrevocable life altering experience.

    ©2017 Black Rose Writing (P)2017 Beacon Audiobooks

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