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Couverture de Shattered Barrier

Shattered Barrier

De : Chris Hollaway
Lu par : Allen B. Ellis
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    Twenty years have come and gone since Nereiel has taken a life. The former Battlemage has settled in the secluded town of Timberline, and helped rebuild it with toil and magic. He's even taken on an apprentice in recent years, passing along some of his knowledge to a local orphan.

    When old friends and new enemies appear on the same day, Nereiel is drawn into a mission with his old squad, led by his old commander, and accompanied by Raine, his former partner - both on and off the battlefield.

    Can these aging heroes manage to stop the plot unfolding before them before the safety of the realm is compromised?

    This short story is a prelude to the novel Riftstorm currently in line for production. It is also available in the anthology, Fierce Tales: Crumbling Empires by Millhaven Press.

    ©2021 Chris Hollaway (P)2021 Chris Hollaway

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