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Couverture de Shards: Dialogues of War

Shards: Dialogues of War

De : George Heuston
Lu par : Benjamin Powell
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    War stories inhere in all generations. This book is about the shards of war--the deep sharp edges left within those who have seen combat, survived it, and lived beyond it. The book weaves these stories told to the author, or experienced by him, with the Civil War Diary of the author's great-great grandfather. Grandfather Benjamin Franklin Heuston (1824-1894) fought for the Union with the 22nd Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment. He marched with General Sherman to Atlanta in 1864, and was badly wounded. Yet he later returned to finish the war. He was a sniper and a color bearer--yet he did not speak of his "kills" in his diary--but focused on the daily observations of war and soldiering. It is within this backdrop of war that the author inserts the more graphic experiences of later conflicts: from World War 1, World War 2, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the nuclear threats of the Cold War. The stories are all first-hand accounts, told one veteran to another. They cover experiences of land, air, and sea. They are the shards of war.

    ©2024 George Zell Heuston (P)2024 George Zell Heuston

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