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Couverture de Shaken, Not Stirred

Shaken, Not Stirred

De : Alma Katsu
Lu par : Daniel Henning
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    Acclaimed author Alma Katsu presents the final chapter of Yuri Kozlov’s journey with a string of doubts, revelations, and the full truth of who he is and the man this mission has made him.

    Seemingly satisfied with Yuri’s performance, the CIA takes him to Jamaica for a meeting with high-level politicians. But this party has far more in store than rubbing elbows with America’s elite. As his own and others’ secrets are revealed, Yuri must decide once and for all where his loyalty lies and whether it’s worth killing—or dying—for.

    Shaken, Not Stirred is part of The Spy Who Vanished, a three-part journey into the political unrest that forces Russia’s most famous spy to choose between his legacy and who he wants to become. Read or listen to each immersive story in a single sitting.

    ©2024 Alma Katsu. (P)2024 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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