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Couverture de Shadows of the Slain

Shadows of the Slain

De : Matthew Harffy
Lu par : Barnaby Edwards
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    A thrilling instalment in the critically acclaimed Bernicia Chronicles from Matthew Harffy. Warlord Beobrand travels to holy Rome... but sinister plots and bloody conflict line his path once more.

    AD 652. After surviving dark intrigues at the Merovingian court of Frankia, Beobrand is finally able to undertake the mission his queen set him: to escort a party of pilgrims to the holy city of Rome.

    But Beobrand's life is never easy. His party includes a scheming novice churchman whose ambition is boundless, and a mysterious envoy from Frankia.

    Entering the lands of the Langobards, Beobrand discovers unexpected similarities to his native Northumbria in their speech and customs... and their willingness to spill blood.

    The roads heading south are filled with danger. Meeting other pilgrims who have been attacked and robbed, Beobrand soon finds himself reluctantly responsible for their safety. Confronting brigands and robbers at every turn, they press on towards their goal.

    But when Beobrand reaches the snakepit of ruins and relics that is Rome, his difficulties truly begin... and his homeland has never been further away.

    ©2024 Matthew Harffy (P)2024 Head of Zeus

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