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Couverture de Shadows of Solace

Shadows of Solace

De : H J Reese
Lu par : Zura Johnson, Leo Barnabas
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    With Kaderyn's shadows more powerful than ever and a fire fae hunting her down, Valentina finally learns what secrets are hiding in Blackwater Junction.

    Strange magic is in the air... or rain, rather. Seeing the bravery of those being slaughtered by Winter and frustrated with those who can't help but refuse, Valentina vows never to return to the broken chair in Otti Theater ever again.

    Especially once she learns what she truly is.

    Life may flow on Spring's breeze but it's pulling Valentina into dangerous fae court games that are determined to send her into the ground. Or worse, back to the endless fire of Autumn Court.

    Kaderyn's closer to returning to the Wild Hunt for the first time in centuries. It's a straight shot to the last chest, then it's all finally over. He can return to the Underworld.

    A light has shone through Kaderyn's darkness and he's not sure he's willing to give Valentina up. Getting her back is going to make him do something he swore all those years ago he would never do again.

    Why is frost chasing Jairek into Spring? Can Kaderyn get his shadows and all those he cares about back home to the Court of Shadows? Or will Winter's desolate tundra take more than he's willing to give?

    Shadows of Solace is book two in The Wild Hunt books by H J Reese. It is a medium-spice fantasy romance with an all-consuming love. For mature listeners.

    ©2023 H J Reese (P)2024 Podium Audio

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