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Couverture de Shadows of Sag Harbor

Shadows of Sag Harbor

De : J. E. Manning
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    In the picturesque seaside town of Sag Harbor, three couples seek solace from the chaos of their lives. Raul and Olivia, Tristan and Paige, and Alexis and Bryan have come to this tranquil haven to find peace amidst Sag Harbor's serene shores. However, their idyllic getaway takes an unexpected turn as they discover the haunting mystery that looms over the town—an unsolved crime that has haunted the locals for years.

    As the couples settle into their temporary sanctuary, they are confronted with whispers of a chilling incident that has left an indelible mark on the community. A family vanished without a trace, and the enigma surrounding their disappearance remains unresolved. Fate weaves its intricate web, entangling the three couples in the threads of this unsolved crime. With each passing moment, the weight of the mystery grows, fueling their determination to uncover the truth. Yet, they face a formidable challenge. Resources are scarce, and Sag Harbor guards its secrets fiercely. As they embark on a race against time, the couples must strike a delicate balance between seeking justice and savoring the luxuries the island sanctuary offers. A delicate dance unfolds, where unraveling the truth intertwines with cherishing fleeting moments of serenity. Amidst Sag Harbor's opulent charm, the couples navigate treacherous waters of suspicion, peeling back layers of hidden motives and buried secrets. Their pursuit of answers becomes intertwined with the renovation of the Avant-Garde Inn—a vessel that holds both the key to their investigations and the promise of a fresh start. In this atmospheric tale of suspense, ordinary individuals find themselves thrust into an extraordinary battle of wits against the unknown. As the waves crash upon the shore and the wind whispers its secrets, the three couples must find a delicate balance between relishing the island's luxuries and unearthing the buried truth within Sag Harbor's enigmatic embrace.

    ©2023 J.E. Manning (P)2023 J.E. Manning

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