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Couverture de Shadowlocked


De : David Moody
Lu par : Aubrey Parsons
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    A dark psychological thriller from the author of the AUTUMN and HATER novels (optioned for film by Guillermo del Toro). Heading home late after a night out, Adam and Lucy Logan are involved in a horrific road rage incident. Their car is forced off a bridge and ends up at the bottom of a swollen, fast-flowing river.

    Adam survives but Lucy drowns, trapped inside the sinking wreck. When he's released from hospital, Adam vows to hunt down the driver responsible for his wife's death and take revenge. But according to the police the roads around the bridge were empty. There was no other car. His world is turned upside down again when Lucy returns from the grave: an impossible shadow of her former self.

    Adam's feelings for Lucy overtake his fear, and together they realise their only option is to find out what really happened on the bridge that tragic night. Until then, Lucy remains trapped on the fringes of reality between life and death. She's shadowlocked. But the deeper Adam digs, the more he begins to realise there was much of Lucy's life - and subsequently her death - that he knew nothing about.

    ©2024 David Moody (P)2024 David Moody


    "A tale wrapped up in a cold sheet of tragedy and loss, which penetrates further into your own skin than you’d expect it to." —DLS Reviews

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