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Couverture de Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed.

Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed.

De : Chris Ramsey, Rosie Ramsey
Lu par : Chris Ramsey, Rosie Ramsey
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Be the first to pre-order Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed. from Chris and Rosie Ramsey, stars of the phenomenally successful chart-topping podcast. Whether you're shagged, married, annoyed, or, all of the above, Chris and Rosie Ramsey, hosts of the number one podcast, write hilariously and with honesty about the universal highs and lows of life, dating, relationships, arguments, parenting and everything in between.


    Brought to you by Penguin.

    The official book from Chris and Rosie Ramsey, stars of the phenomenally successful podcast.


    Saturday nights out on the tiles, undying crushes, dating like it's a competitive sport, awkward tales of dating woes, one-night stands, the walk of shame, ghosting, tears and break-ups.


    Finding 'the one', meeting their parents, first holidays and romantic weekends away, engagement rings, big moment proposals, wedding bells, the hen do, the stag, the much anticipated - and feared - best man speech, the honeymoon of a lifetime.


    Who stacks a dishwasher like this? Empty milk cartons placed back into the fridge, pregnancy, sleepless nights, toilet seats up, toothpaste everywhere, less and less frequent date nights, DIY weekends, divorce.

    Whether you're shagged, married, annoyed, or, all of the above, Chris and Rosie Ramsey, hosts of the number one podcast, write hilariously and with honesty about the universal highs and lows of life, dating, relationships, arguments, parenting and everything in between.

    This audiobook includes an exclusive bonus conversation between the authors, Chris and Rosie, where they discuss the process of writing the book together, plus outtakes from the recording.

    ©2020 Rosie Ramsey, Chris Ramsey (P)2020 Penguin Audio

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