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Sexual Enlightenment

De : Yaz Acar
Lu par : Tracy Lindley
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This meditation is designed to repair your mind's perception of sexuality and create a new vision.

The best way to appreciate yourself as an artist, a master and a creator is to know that you are naturally whole and resourceful. Your sexual energy is your vital resource. Access to the source is possible by understanding, accepting and loving your sexual being and the nature of its existence.

Are you truly living your life? How satisfied are you with your life? Do you wake up feeling fresh, without any emotional distress? When you are alone, are you excited about spending time with yourself? Do you fill your space and time without planning the next moment? Do you feel tired all the time or are you living with joy and happiness?

Or did something happen that the world's magic was broken? Do you really need something else to be full of life, to love big, and have intimate relationships? Maybe we just need to be men and women again, to awaken our sexual essence, to meet the men and women within us. To reveal the feminine and masculine aspects of our energy, to enrich our lives and to attract the other person who will complete us..

When you breathe in life, it reaches down to the sexual centre that dominates life.

©2019 Puritas (P)2019 Puritas
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