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  • Sex Addiction

  • A Guide for Couples and Those Who Help Them
  • De : Paula Hall
  • Lu par : Lisa Coleman
  • Durée : 7 h et 53 min

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Sex Addiction

De : Paula Hall
Lu par : Lisa Coleman
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    Sex Addiction: A Guide for Couples and Those Who Help Them is a practical book that provides empathic support, guidance, information and pragmatic strategies for couples who want to survive sex and porn addiction—whether that’s together, or apart. Sex and porn addiction devastates couple relationships, and unlike the impact of infidelity, there is no "before" to get back to and no "after".

    This book adopts the metaphor of a boat, presenting addiction as the tidal wave that devastates the relation-ship, leaving both crew members fighting for survival. There’s guidance to ensure each partner makes it safely back to shore and advice on surveying the damage to your relation-ship and deciding if you want to save it and set sail again. You’ll find practical advice for both the partner and the addicted partner, including first-hand accounts of couples that have already undertaken the journey.

    ©2019 Taylor & Francis (P)2019 Routledge


    "I highly recommend this book for couples whose lives are being affected by sex addiction, not to mention clinicians working in the field. As with Paula Hall’s other publications, it is clear, comprehensive, and keeps the needs of the reader in mind at all times. Not only does the book provide insight, it also offers a wealth of practical advice, getting down to the detail where it’s most helpful. The author makes excellent use of real-life, client stories. This not only offers first-hand understanding of what it’s like for couples to be caught up in sex addiction, but offers hope that things can and do get better. Paula Hall is a leading authority on sex addiction. This comes across in the book, making it an important and up-to-date addition to resources already available." - Dr Simon Draycott, Chartered Counselling Psychologist. Chair of the ATSAC (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity)

    "A book that offers hope to couples who otherwise wouldn’t know where to turn or how to begin to heal from this destructive path. It will also be an invaluable guide to those who try to help them." - Philippa Perry, Psychotherapist, author, broadcaster.

    "At last, a well-written and accessible self-help guide to resolving one of the fastest-growing problems of our age – sex and pornography addiction. Every day I hear from couples whose relationship is being ruined by this blight – both those with the addiction and their partners are desperate for help. It’s great there is now a reliable guide I can recommend." - Deidre Sanders – Dear Deidre, agony aunt of The Sun.

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