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  • Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers

  • Four Years with the Iron Brigade
  • De : Rufus R. Dawes
  • Lu par : Robert Anthony
  • Durée : 11 h et 10 min

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Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers

De : Rufus R. Dawes
Lu par : Robert Anthony
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    "Service With the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers: Four Years with the Iron Brigade" is a compelling memoir penned by Rufus R. Dawes, offering a vivid portrayal of his experiences as a soldier during the American Civil War.

    Dawes, a member of the renowned Iron Brigade, provides listeners with an intimate glimpse into the trials and triumphs of army life, recounting his four-year journey with remarkable detail and candor. From the thunderous chaos of battlefields to the quiet moments of camaraderie in camp, Dawes captures the essence of soldiering during one of the nation's most tumultuous periods. His narrative not only chronicles the physical challenges of war but also delves into the emotional toll it exacted on those who fought.

    Through Dawes' eyes, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made by ordinary men thrust into extraordinary circumstances, making "Service With the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers" an invaluable testament to the resilience and spirit of the Civil War generation.

    ©2024 Quill Publishing (P)2024 Quill Publishing

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