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Couverture de Serve 2 Win

Serve 2 Win

De : Mitch Durfee
Lu par : John Alan Martinson Jr.
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    Serve 2 Win, the first in a series of business guidebooks by entrepreneur coach and serial business owner, Mitch Durfee, offers an unusual approach to launching a small business. The single most successful basis for any entrepreneurial endeavor is that of being of service. Not only does a service-to-others approach attract customers and clients, it rewards business practitioners with an unshakeable sense of purpose, undergirded by the inherent happiness of using their expertise to assist others in need of help. With service as the foundational principle, Durfee outlines the eight steps, (which are also tools), that helped him launch three successful small businesses, and coach over 500 clients to launch their enterprises. These steps are key in creating and sustaining a business, and they include Having the Right Values, Setting Goals, Creating a Support Network, Cultivating a Positive Mental Attitude, Taking Action, Protecting Your Time, Building Your (small business) Team, and Positioning Yourself to Win. The Serve 2 Win guidebook offers an enthusiastic, but reality-based approach to business building, while helping would-be entrepreneurs gain confidence in their ability to realize big dreams. The audiobook offers a well-tested, step-by-step methodology that, while challenging, (the way any new endeavors are), is within reach of all those who want to own their own business, and, as a result, direct their own life.

    ©2017 Mitchel Durfee (P)2017 Mitchel Durfee

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