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Separating from the Pack

De : Dorian Jones
Lu par : Dorian Jones
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Separating from the Pack is for those whose life isn’t exactly where they want it to be at this moment. You know that you’re destined to do great things, but somewhere along your journey, you got lost. Your days feel like they are all the same, and you don’t know the next step to take to get things moving in the direction you’d like to go. You will learn how to separate from your norm, old habits, self-limiting beliefs, and even relationships that no longer serve you in creating the life you want.

In this audiobook, I break down the principles I used to go from living a life by default to design. It’s your turn to become that person that you’ve always wanted to become but have been scared or just didn’t know the next step to take. You have everything within you to become the person that you’ve always wanted to be. The material within this audiobook will help you bring out the best version of yourself. You must be ready to become uncomfortable and hold yourself accountable for your growth. You will be motivated, inspired, and guided to become the person you need to achieve the goals that you set for yourself.

Don’t feel like you are alone. I’m here to guide you on this treacherous journey of life for which there is no manual given, and we are left to figure it out. My responsibility to the world is to ensure that there is hope given to the person who feels stuck—something I wish I had a long time ago. I believe in you, and now, it’s time for you to believe in yourself and separate from the pack.

©2021 Diligent Minds LLC (P)2022 Diligent Minds LLC
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