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Couverture de Sense


De : Russell Jones
Lu par : Russell Jones
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    Listen to Sense, a fascinating and revelatory audiobook on how we can unlock our five senses to vastly improve every part of our lives. This audiobook is narrated by the author who has used his multisensory expertise to enhance the recording with sound effects that will awaken your senses as you listen.

    How can colour prime you for creative thinking? What kind of music helps you run faster? Which scents can help you fall asleep? Our senses have a powerful effect on how we think, feel and behave; yet we don't use them to their full potential.

    For over a decade, multisensory marketing expert Russell Jones has been using the science of the senses to design products, brands and retail environments that tantalise our senses in revolutionary ways. In this incredible new book, Jones takes research from the worlds of neuroscience, experimental and behavioural psychology and beyond, and shows you how to live more multi-sensorially; paying attention to the sounds, scents, colours, objects, shapes and textures that constantly surround you, to profoundly impact and improve every aspect of your life.

    Whether it's helping you feel energised in the morning, get the most from your work-out, be efficient at the office, avoid getting caught in the traps of savvy retailers or creating the perfect sensory background to enjoy your food with. And, finally, he helps you have the most restful evening and night's sleep you possibly can. Sense is a fascinating and revelatory look at how you can use your senses in a way you never have before.

    A big-idea, pop-science audiobook in the vein of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nudge and The Power of Habit.

    ©2020 Russell Jones (P)2020 Welbeck Publishing Group

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