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  • Sell Your Ass Off

  • How to Make the Most of a Sales Job in the Marketplace
  • De : Ryan Stewman
  • Lu par : Daniel Galvez II
  • Durée : 3 h et 5 min

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Sell Your Ass Off

De : Ryan Stewman
Lu par : Daniel Galvez II
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    I've worked in sales my entire life, and it's always blown my mind how it can be the hardest $30,000 per year job on the planet and the easiest $250,000+ job. Most people simply never understand what selling actually is. It's working to solve the prospect's problems. 

    My approach to sales isn't fast talking, smooth conversations, and bullying the prospect into making a decision. My approach is simple. Ask questions. Discover the prospect's problem. Offer a solution. The best salespeople know how to solve problems, not pitch people. 

    The way we sell today is different than it was just a couple of years ago. With everyone using social media, email, and text, the way we communicate has drastically changed, and if you don't adapt to this trend (which is not going away), you will be walked all over by the next generation of young salespeople who understand how to close using technology. 

    This book will open your eyes to the new wave way of closing sales. It will also give you step-by-step practical instructions that have helped guys like me make millions and millions of dollars closing sales using every single tool available to us. Plus, not to mention the entertainment factor. After all, sales is a tough gig, and we all need a laugh at the end of the day. This book provides its all.

    ©2018 Ryan Stewman (P)2018 Ryan Stewman

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