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  • Self-Therapy

  • Transform Stuck Parts of Yourself into Inner Resources of Strength, Love, and Freedom
  • De : Jay Earley PhD
  • Lu par : Jay Earley PhD
  • Durée : 6 h et 30 min

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De : Jay Earley PhD
Lu par : Jay Earley PhD
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    How to Open a Healing Dialogue with the Many Parts of Your Psyche

    Psychotherapy works through dialogue between the therapist and client—but what if you could have an effective healing dialogue with yourself? "Because our minds are actually a home to many sub-personalities," Dr. Jay Earley explains, "we have the ability to heal ourselves by engaging directly with the each of our parts." With Self-Therapy, Dr. Earley offers a complete audio training course in a revolutionary therapy called Internal Family Systems (IFS), a powerful psychological tool for finding freedom from chronic emotional issues such as depression and anxiety, and creating internal harmony where the aspects of your psyche are working together for your well-being.

    Your True Self—The Wellspring of Inner HealingThe IFS method teaches you how to access the Self—the grounded, spiritual center of your being that is the source of all healing. You’ll learn to engage with each of your parts from your Self with open curiosity, compassion, and love. Dr. Earley offers guided practices and step-by-step instructions for healing the exiled parts that carry emotional wounds from childhood, the protectors that try to shield you from pain, the inner critics that judge you and undermine your self-worth, the parts that make you procrastinate or overeat, and more."Each part of us is trying to help or protect us," explains Dr. Jay Earley. "Though they may unintentionally cause suffering by being stuck in the past, we can learn to transform them into caring allies." Self-Therapy is a complete training course in a revolutionary method for inner exploration, psychological self-healing, and cultivating love for your whole being.

    ©2013 Jay Earley (P)2013 Jay Earley

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