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  • Self Love Made Easy

  • For the Busy Christian Woman: Learn to Value Yourself, and See Yourself Through God's Eyes (Reclaim Yourself)
  • De : Ama Brew
  • Lu par : Barbara Blair
  • Durée : 2 h et 12 min

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Self Love Made Easy

De : Ama Brew
Lu par : Barbara Blair
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    Reclaim yourself and begin to see yourself as God sees you! It's possible with this practical audiobook for the busy Christian woman on a quest to love herself, build a solid self-esteem, and increase her self-confidence.

    Do you find it hard to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are?

    Are your life experiences making it hard for you to be authentic and place value on yourself?

    Are you trying to match up to a certain image that has been painted to you of who a perfect woman should be?

    Do you find that the more you stretch yourself to fit into this perfect image the harder it is for you to love who you are?

    If you are looking for a solid way of loving you, placing value on you, and accepting yourself irrespective of your challenges, flaws, weaknesses, and trials, then this audiobook is for you.

    Using this transformational Self Love Book for the Busy Christian Woman, you can unlock actionable strategies that will help you to:

    • Discover the root cause of your self-love challenges
    • Accept your uniqueness
    • Stop defining your self-esteem by external factors
    • Stop comparing yourself to other people

    You need this book if:

    • You have self-esteem highs and lows
    • You have identified with labels like people-pleaser, follower, codependent, overachiever, too emotional, drama queen, etc.
    • You have battled with body dissatisfaction

    Learn to value yourself with the simple strategies contained in this audiobook which will help you to:

    • Understand the meaning of self-image
    • Understand why self-love is not selfish
    • Understand how God sees you
    • Stand up for yourself

    Order this self-love made simple audiobook, jump-start your journey to knowing your self-worth, and begin to see yourself through God’s eyes.

    ©2021 Ama Brew (P)2021 Ama Brew

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