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  • Self-Love Explained

  • Unlock Your Gateway to Happiness, Healthy Relations, and Financial Prosperity
  • De : Wafaa Almahamid
  • Lu par : C. S. Forkey
  • Durée : 3 h et 43 min

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Self-Love Explained

De : Wafaa Almahamid
Lu par : C. S. Forkey
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    You always wanted to make a difference in the world—but you can’t do so when you are broken inside.

    Giving yourself to others does not mean you have to negate your own wants and needs. In fact, if you continue to live up to everyone else’s expectations, you can end up feeling burnt out, washed up, and fatigued.

    What is the point of making deep connections if every relationship involves trying to make everyone happy—except yourself?

    This essential guide on self-love will help you hone the skills you need to lead a fulfilling, authentic life. It will lend your personal and professional relationships meaning and purpose. Within its chapters, you will discover:

    • Four vital ways to practice self-love—and how to do so unconditionally, with all your imperfections and weaknesses
    • Why self-love is the polar opposite of selfishness, self-absorption, and narcissism—and why it is the soulmate of empathy
    • How a lack of self-esteem leads to unhealthy boundary setting, toxic behaviors, codependency, and broken relationships
    • How to end the power that negative self-talk has on your life and reframe negative thoughts into positive ones
    • A key discovery: If you want to be treated with respect and kindness, prioritize self-love!
    • Five challenges you may encounter when trying to build a good relationship with family members—and how to overcome them
    • The inexorable link between self-love and financial freedom—plus three strategies that can boost your financial position
    • How your wounded inner child can sabotage you in your adult life—and how to meet, acknowledge, and heal your inner child
    • Eight strategies for healing trauma and building resilience—including mindfulness, self-care, and self-compassion

    If you have experienced childhood trauma, you may fear that your wounds can never be healed…that you are not worthy of making a change. Doing so will only lead to one road—that of burnout, fatigue, isolation, and broken relationships.

    Your needs and wants matter…and only you can ensure they are fulfilled.

    If you’re ready to prioritize self-love, set healthy boundaries, and communicate assertively with others, then scroll upwards and click “Add to Cart” right now.

    ©2023 Wafaa Almahamid (P)2023 Wafaa Almahamid

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