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  • Seeking

  • 74 Key Findings to Raise Your Energy, Sidestep Your Self-Doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work
  • De : JJ DiGeronimo
  • Lu par : JJ DiGeronimo
  • Durée : 7 h et 9 min

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De : JJ DiGeronimo
Lu par : JJ DiGeronimo
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    If you are tired of chasing standards that are imposed on you by others; if you are drowning in to-do lists that deplete your energy and maybe even your impact; if you are swimming in negative thoughts and self-talk; or if you are simply seeking more meaning…you are not alone!

    JJ DiGeronimo knows these feelings all too well as an accomplished businesswoman who felt an internal tug for something more. Off the side of her desk, JJ found herself seeking to stay energized as she chased external metrics with reappearing whispers from within.

    If you are asking yourself, “What is this all for?”, or “Now what?”, or “Is there more?”, then you are ready to embark on your next step of self-discovery.

    After five years of researching, attending, and practicing, JJ is excited to share the most important key findings from her journey. In her new book, Seeking: 74 Key Findings to Raise Your Energy, Sidestep Your Self-doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work, JJ unpacks the strategies that helped her infuse more purpose and meaning into her work and life. With short chapters, relevant stories, and specific questions, these pages create a space where you too can evaluate your choices, dig through your stories, embrace your gifts, and elevate your energy.

    It is no mistake you found this book, as your seeking has brought you to the frequency within these chapters.

    Let’s explore ways to illuminate your path ahead, from the inside out!

    Editors: Heidi Bright, MDiv: and Zora Alexandra Knauf:

    Cover Design: Nicole Daberkow:

    Publishing Consultant: PRESStinely:

    Author Photo: DawnKaye Photography, LLC,

    ©2022 JJ DiGeronimo (P)2022 JJ DiGeronimo

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