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Seek Happiness First, All the Rest Will Follow: Revised

De : Linda Prejean
Lu par : Linda Prejean
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Yale University recently started a new class called The Science of Well-being. It was the first time this class was ever offered, and turned out to be the most popular class ever offered at Yale. The amount of new information available today is effectively applied to individuals, corporations and governments. We have greater information and insights today that are helping to change behavior and transform lives. Our need to discover happiness is greater than ever before. Statistics tell us we are prescribing antidepressants at 400 times the rate we did twenty years ago. Also noted is that recent graduates are unhappier than they have ever been in a time of life known as youth that was thought to be filled with optimism.

A book on happiness isn’t just for women and men struggling with challenges of health, life, career or relationships. It is for everyone. People with feelings of Happiness and well-being have a lower risk of heart disease and a stronger immune system. This book is a compilation of the most contemporary teachings on the subject of happiness and well-being, the great teachings from ancient wisdom, my own research, study, and empirical knowledge, and that of my clients. Sometimes just one new thought can change the course of our lives. It is my intention that you gain one or many new ideas that you hadn’t thought of before, and ‘resonate’ with the teachings that send you forward to become the best you can be. I believe It is in our DNA to know the truth when we hear it.

©2024 Linda Prejean (P)2024 Linda Prejean
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