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Couverture de Seeing with Fresh Eyes

Seeing with Fresh Eyes

De : John W. Bullock
Lu par : John W. Bullock
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    Do you long to know God? Not just head knowledge, but to really know God the way Moses did? Are you willing to risk what you think you know about God to dig deeper into His word? In Seeing with Fresh Eyes, John Bullock dares to ask the hard questions and lets the Bible answer them without preconceived impressions. 

    In this journey to deeper faith, in which no sincere query is off the table, the author approaches Scripture as though having never read it before and leads the listener beyond the familiar to new insights into how amazing, personal, and real God is. In Seeing with Fresh Eyes, listeners will discover that:

    • God is more good than they've been told
    • His salvation is more thorough than imagined
    • The source of all truth is God, who unlocks wisdom, life, and freedom for all who search with an open heart

    Bullock writes for Christians longing for a deeper relationship with God—those who are willing to risk what they think they know to discover what the Bible really says. He also speaks to those who have become disenchanted with the Christianity they see around them that doesn't match what the Bible describes. Beginning in Genesis, Bullock wrestles with his questions and digs deep to uncover scriptural truths. Seeing with Fresh Eyes is a thought-provoking listen suitable for personal or group study.

    ©2020 John W. Bullock (P)2021 John W. Bullock


    "Reading this book by John Bullock is like getting together with an old friend. You will be encouraged and enriched. This is more than a good read; it is a roadmap to an awesome life." (Chaplain W. T. Permenter, LTC, USA, Retired)

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