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Seeds of Farsil

De : Jamie M. Samland
Lu par : Janae Hoggins
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If you had the power to go back and undo the worst atrocities, or even a single failure, would you? Should you? Alishia, the Chronicler, grapples with this question and the consequences.

Invaders wielding overwhelming magic bring the leaders of Poas to their knees. They come bearing an invitation to the rebirth of the realm and to witness as they assume singular rule.

Lone, regent king of Dracon and king of the archmages, manages the fallout from his late aunt’s disastrous final moments and his father’s waning sanity, all while struggling to gather allies against this new threat. Should he fail, his enemies will rise to power and leave this nation to waste away in the frozen north.

Alishia, the Chronicler, manipulates her power over time to flit across realms, but she must eventually return home. She arrives just as events are getting worse for Lone, leaving her with a dreadful test of her morals and how far she will take her budding power.

Seeds of Farsil marks the last installment in The Chronicler’s Awakening series, though not a finale for the players involved. In a tale of love and loss, cosmic forces reach across time to bring Alishia and Lone’s reality to the brink of annihilation and press them to define what it means to achieve victory.

©2022 Jamie Samland (P)2023 Jamie Samland
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