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  • See Miracles

  • Praying Effectively for the Supernatural Christian Life
  • De : Kevin Elliott
  • Lu par : Kevin Elliott
  • Durée : 6 h et 35 min

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See Miracles

De : Kevin Elliott
Lu par : Kevin Elliott
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    Step into a world of wonder and adventure where every corner holds the promise of the extraordinary. Go on a captivating journey that begins in the heart of Europe but transcends borders everywhere to unveil the Kingdom of God, a realm where miracles are woven into the fabric of everyday life.

    Both eyes were milky. “What are you able to see?” “Nothing. Just total darkness.” came her reply.

    I prayed…waited a little, giving time for the Holy Spirit to move. Then suddenly she spoke: “I can see light.... There is red on your tee-shirt… I can see your face!”

    Our first destination is Macedonia, a vibrant culture that captivated the Apostle Paul, and where astonishing miracles continue to unfold today. From there you will travel to East Africa but then see that this kingdom life is available everywhere, and learn to recognize the miracles unfolding in your own backyard. God's invitation to experience His boundless grace and power is for all, right here and right now. The treasures He has in store for you go beyond your wildest dreams - a closer connection to Him, newfound gifts, and transformative challenges.

    In this inspiring book, are stories of modern-day miracles, and practical guidance to equip every believer in Jesus with the tools to live out Gods commands and experience the supernatural in their own lives.

    Embark on this exhilarating journey, and let your faith and sense of wonder soar to new heights. Dive into a world where miracles are not only possible but expected, and where the supernatural becomes a part of your everyday existence.

    ©2023 Kevin Brian Elliott (P)2024 Kevin Brian Elliott


    "This will stir your faith, increase your hunger for more of Jesus, and excite you into stepping out bravely from your comfort zone." —Simon Guillebaud MBE, International Director, Great Lakes Outreach.

    "Brilliant. Makes the miraculous and spiritual feel earthy and tangible." —David Waters, Senior Producer, BBC Songs of Praise

    "Inspiring practical examples of God’s manifest power today." —Bishop Ernest Ngeno, Kenya.

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