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Couverture de Seducing Miss Dunaway

Seducing Miss Dunaway

De : Kate Rothwell
Lu par : Annie Aldinton
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    A romantic novella set in the 1880s.

    Strong-willed Miss Mary Dunaway had a plan for her future and she would stop at nothing to reach her goal of working with the poor in London. She was even willing to ask a gentleman, a stranger, to help her.

    Twelve years later, the same gentleman reappears in her life. Although he doesn't seem to recall her, she remembers every detail of the kisses they shared. The attractive Lord Fellington apparently sees her as the saintly, nun-like matron of the foundling asylum. Very well, she made her bed and now she lies in it, alone.

    Warning: this story contains graphic sex ...but only a few minutes of it. This is a novella (longer than a short story but shorter than a novel). Included in this download: the first chapter of the novel Someone to Cherish.

    ©2011 Kate Rothwell (P)2016 Audible, Inc.

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