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  • Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck

  • The Non-Conformist Playbook to Raising Happy Kids Without Public Meltdowns, Power Struggles, & Punishments
  • De : Sue Donnellan
  • Lu par : Sue Donnellan
  • Durée : 5 h et 6 min

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Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck

De : Sue Donnellan
Lu par : Sue Donnellan
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    Are you tired of yelling, punishing, and reminding, yet experiencing no change in your child’s behavior?What if you could learn the transformative mindset that allows parents to get results without “fixing” their child’s bad behavior?

    In Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck, Sue Donnellan—parent mentor, author, mom of four (including triplets), and entrepreneur—shares 20+ years of experience cultivating the effective thought process for successful parenting. She delivers a proven playbook for turning misbehaving kids into happy, respectful, well-adjusted young adults.

    End tantrums by learning how to respond to them.

    Eliminate back-talk by knowing how to avoid provoking it.

    Minimize lying with trust-creating strategies.

    Neutralize sibling fights using one simple method.

    Establish curfews and boundaries both you and your child are happy with.

    Increase your ability to prevent bad behavior, before it even starts.

    Directly influence your child’s great decision-making capabilities.

    Nurture a strengthened relationship so deep it provides a lifetime of your kids wanting to share everything with you.

    Secrets to Parenting Without Giving a F^ck is the definitive book on parenting. Written as a no-nonsense action plan, this book covers ages 2-20 and all the necessary subjects in between, using humor and wisdom.

    Foreword written by Lana Gomez Maniscalco, artist, wife, mom of two, creative director of What’s Wrong With People, Inc.

    Buy now to experience these results today!

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