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Secrets to Living in an RV

De : Joe Kandell
Lu par : Jim Selleck
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    Warning: Your travel adventures will never be the same again!  

    Learn how to go off-the-grid, and see places you’ve never been!

    Traveling across the country can be an awesome experience, but it can be confusing to know where to start! What type of vehicle do I buy? Where should I go? How do I stay safe?

    The good news? This comprehensive guide will teach you how to live your life on the road.

    Here are some things you will learn:

    • Which vehicle is right for you and your budget
    • How to stay connected on the road and essential apps
    • Secret tips to finding the best RV insurance
    • Everything you need to know about water and your RV
    • How to keep your RV clean on the inside and out
    • The different kinds of RV living - and how to live in a van undetected  

    You’ll find even more information on how to live your life on the road with comfort. While it’s impossible to fit every tip and trick into this book, I’ve focused on giving you the essentials, so you can be on the road in no time! Other travelers will marvel at your know-how, and you’ll rest easy knowing you are fully prepared for travel.

    So please, grab a copy of Secrets to Living in an RV: Thrive Off the Grid and let me lead you step by step toward location and financial freedom!

    ©2018 Joe Kandell (P)2018 Joe Kandell

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