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Couverture de Secrets Typed in Blood

Secrets Typed in Blood

De : Stephen Spotswood
Lu par : Kirsten Potter
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    The dynamic detectives Lillian Pentecost and Willowjean 'Will' Parker are back in another hugely entertaining and gripping 1940s Manhattan murder mystery

    Pentecost and Parker, the most audacious and iconic detective duo in 1940s Manhattan, are back. If you're a fan of Richard Osman, The Marvellous Mrs Maisel, Agatha Christie and M. C. Beaton you'll love this hugely entertaining murder mystery.

    Following on from Fortune Favours the Dead and Murder Under Her Skin, the third Pentecost and Parker mystery is 'even smarter, spikier and more surprising than the first two'. New York Times

    New York City, 1947. For years, Holly Quick has written gruesome tales of revenge for pulp detective magazines. Now someone is bringing her stories to life and leaving a trail of blood behind. With the threat of another murder looming, and reluctant to go to the police, Holly turns to the renowned detective duo Willowjean "Will" Parker and her boss Lillian Pentecost.

    Soon they are diving into an underground world of people obsessed with murder. Can the killer be found in the Black Museum Club, run by a philanthropist whose collection of grim murder memorabilia may not be enough to satisfy him? Or is it Holly's pair of editors aren't telling the full story?

    With victims seemingly chosen at random and a murderer who thrives on spectacle, Pentecost and Parker need to act fast. For Holly Quick has her own secret and it's about to bring death to their door...

    ©2022 Stephen Spotswood (P)2022 Random House Audio

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