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  • Second Chance Snowmance

  • Seasons of Love, Book 3
  • De : Caroline Frank
  • Durée : 10 h et 27 min

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Couverture de Second Chance Snowmance

Second Chance Snowmance

De : Caroline Frank
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    Rosie Castillo swore to herself that she’d never go back home—no matter what. But after her sister decides to get married in her snowy hometown in Colorado on New Year’s Eve, she’s left with no other choice but to return to the scene of the worst mistake she’s ever made.

    Though assured several times by family members that the man who had her heart for so many years would not be home, Rosie runs into him the first day she arrives. Immediately, she’s left wondering how she could ever walk away from him again.

    With the wedding, the holidays, their families being so close-knit, and the fact that they’re neighbors, it’s looking more and more like there’s no way for them to avoid falling back in love with one another. Can they manage to forgive each other and themselves and put the past behind them, or will it catch up and run their new relationship into the ground?

    Watch as Rosie navigates meddling mothers, bridezilla sisters, a heart-melting love interest, and the general insanity that comes with the holiday season.

    Second Chance Snowmance is a holiday, childhood-friends-to-lovers contemporary romance with delicious pining, banter, Spanglish, and a whole lot of steam. It is book 3 of the Seasons of Love series, but can be enjoyed as a standalone.

    ©2023 Caroline Frank (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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