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  • Second Chance Christmas

  • A Twilight, Texas Novel (Twilight, Texas, Book 12)
  • De : Lori Wilde
  • Lu par : Lisa Zimmerman
  • Durée : 9 h et 41 min

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Second Chance Christmas

De : Lori Wilde
Lu par : Lisa Zimmerman
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    New York Times best-selling author Lori Wilde returns to Twilight, Texas, with a love story filled with the magic of the season, about a couple that discovers an abandoned baby on Christmas Eve-Eve.

    It’s Christmastime in Twilight, TX. The lights are twinkling, carols are being sung, and the cookies are baking. And this year, best friends Joel and Jana discover a shocking surprise: As they are organizing the living Nativity, they find a sweet little baby in the manger with a note saying the mother will return...soon.

    Jana tucks the infant into her arms, and she and Joel make the impulsive decision to take the baby home. Jana is spontaneous, Joel is a planner, but they agree that it’s better to care for this precious bundle for the holidays, in hopes that the mother really will come back by New Year’s.

    As the days pass, the pair begins to fall in love with the child and they’re also forced to face facts: Their relationship goes far deeper than friendship. As the spirit of Christmas - and the magic of Twilight, TX - takes over, this unlikely couple must open up to the feelings they’ve been hiding from each other all along.

    ©2021 Lori Wilde (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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