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Searching for Extraterrestrial Life

De : Sarah Rugheimer
Lu par : Sarah Rugheimer
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For decades, books, movies, television shows, and conspiracy theories have speculated about the existence of life on other planets. But how possible is it that we are alone in the universe? How likely is it we’ll find a habitable, Earth-like planet? How come we have not already seen signs of extraterrestrial life?

Join astrophysicist Sarah Rugheimer to reveal what we know about detecting life on other planets. Over 10 eye-opening lectures, she will uncover the strides we’ve made in our search for finding habitable Earth-like planets. 

You’ll gain first-hand insights into how scientists search for signs of life and our latest attempts to find potential life on Mars, Venus, Europa, Titan, and other moons and planets in our solar system. As she recaps how life started on Earth, you’ll see how our evolution informs our search for detecting life on exoplanets. And, you’ll examine the current search for extraterrestrial intelligence, looking at potential responses to the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox.

Whether you have an academic investment or a general curiosity about life on other planets, this course will provide you with the most current insights into what signs of extraterrestrial life may be found. 

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